Brenda Oliver has been both my personal and business mentor for a number of years. She is incredibly reliable and has flown to Toronto every single time I have requested her support. While I was a Director at the Achimota Centre for Children with Autism, she donated her time and expertise to prepare and present to our staff on specific issues relevant to our organization. Brenda has coached me through updates of my resume, professional interviews, and life’s obstacles. Her advice and input hav… Read more
Cindy DeCarloHospitality Industry
The Power Seminar is a great outlook and segue for Brenda’s 2 Day workshop. She laid solid groundwork for understanding EI and where awareness can open many new doors in my EI work and life.
Janice BeanGreat-West Life Assurance Company
Brenda Oliver worked with One Insurance Group for 5 ½ years and assisted in developing our strategic goals, as well as our Mission, Vision, and Values Statements as ONE established their operational direction. Ms. Oliver provided Leadership Coaching to the President & CEO and staff training in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Time Management and Customer Service Experience.
Dale McMillanOne Insurance Group
Excellent time to take a step back and review what is and isn’t working in relationships and situations – what part is EI contributing? How can I improve?
Stan DueckPalliser Furniture
The 2 day program is exhausting and challenging. I plan to take what I need and effectively put it into practice.
Andrea CameronMondetta
I have attended Oliver leadership’s training programs over the past 10 years and have always been left with a feeling of peace and strength, both from a personal and professional standpoint. Brenda Oliver provides direction and leadership in the courses while keeping things interesting and interspersed with humor, something not often found in business training programs and seminars. I would not hesitate to recommend any of the offered sessions to colleagues and friends.
Cheryl BrittonSigurdson Financial Group Inc.
What a refreshing way to start the day – the idea that if we wrestle with and master our Emotional Intelligence making us more effective leaders is truly inspiring. Why? Because it is possible.
Alanna KeefeSt. John's Ravenscourt School
Impressive presentation, worthwhile and great!
Teresa A. ComiaManitoba Hydro
I felt the seminar benefited all of me; it was as relevant to my professional life as it was to my personal life. The principles you focus in on have the potential to make me a better manager and a better parent!
Kelly DvorakVariety Club -The Children's Charity
An inspirational and motivational leader – working with her for a period of almost 6 years was one of the most positive experiences of my professional career. She has the uncanny ability to extrapolate the talent in a person, help anybody find and develop the confidence it takes not only to meet the challenges of business but also to be a winner. As she would say, “The definition of luck is opportunity meeting preparation.” If you need motivation and inspiration, look for the opportunity to meet… Read more
Paul AnsloosGlobalPoint Technologies