Brenda Oliver has been both my personal and business mentor for a number of years. She is incredibly reliable and has flown to Toronto every single time I have requested her support. While I was a Director at the Achimota Centre for Children with Autism, she donated her time and expertise to prepare and present to our staff on specific issues relevant to our organization. Brenda has coached me through updates of my resume, professional interviews, and life’s obstacles. Her advice and input have been invaluable! I believe Brenda is a natural born leader.
The 2 day program is exhausting and challenging. I plan to take what I need and effectively put it into practice.
Andrea CameronMondetta
Brenda Oliver strongly exemplifies excellence in service to her clients – building customer relationships and practicing the principles of excellence. her presentation style and executive team program coaching & delivery are informative, educational and engaging.
Kathy RandallMaxim Truck & Trailer
Excellent time to take a step back and review what is and isn’t working in relationships and situations – what part is EI contributing? How can I improve?
Stan DueckPalliser Furniture
Brenda Oliver accepted my offer to be the Personal Growth Facilitator of a two year formation program designed for Catholic adults who desire to grow both spiritually and personally. Brenda is facilitating this group of adults with passion and humour, leading them to greater self-awareness. The team, the participants, and I have all personally grown by Brenda’s presence and facilitation in this program. We are honored and privileged to have Brenda with us.
Reverend Eric GiddinsThe Summons, Archdiocese of Winnipeg
When I was an executive with the Great-West Life Assurance Co.; we worked together for several years and I always respected her judgement, competence and professionalism. She always had a solid business plan for us to consider and her customer relations skills made the working relationship both productive and enjoyable. Not surprisingly, she is a sought after professional both inside and outside of her community.
Joan MilesGreat-West Life Assurance Company
The information and knowledge gained from this seminar should have been taught to me as a young graduate! That would have saved me from making all of those wrong decisions.
Segun OludeIndigo Ink Studios
Brenda Oliver worked with One Insurance Group for 5 ½ years and assisted in developing our strategic goals, as well as our Mission, Vision, and Values Statements as ONE established their operational direction. Ms. Oliver provided Leadership Coaching to the President & CEO and staff training in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Time Management and Customer Service Experience.
Dale McMillanOne Insurance Group
Brenda Oliver has been both my personal and business mentor for a number of years. She is incredibly reliable and has flown to Toronto every single time I have requested her support. While I was a Director at the Achimota Centre for Children with Autism, she donated her time and expertise to prepare and present to our staff on specific issues relevant to our organization. Brenda has coached me through updates of my resume, professional interviews, and life’s obstacles. Her advice and input hav… Read more
Cindy DeCarloHospitality Industry
I have attended Oliver leadership’s training programs over the past 10 years and have always been left with a feeling of peace and strength, both from a personal and professional standpoint. Brenda Oliver provides direction and leadership in the courses while keeping things interesting and interspersed with humor, something not often found in business training programs and seminars. I would not hesitate to recommend any of the offered sessions to colleagues and friends.
Cheryl BrittonSigurdson Financial Group Inc.
Wonderful! I will begin today to empower myself and others. Thank you.
Wayne RogersVariety, The Children's Charity