I quickly discovered that her knowledge was vast and the information she was sharing with me was going to have a great impact on my abilities as a golf and business professional. Through her vast knowledge and skills she was able to target exactly what I needed to focus on and provide me the information and tools to improve. Over the past three years I have continued to utilize the knowledge I gained through our work together and would recommend Brenda to any individual that has the desire to become more efficient and productive in their workplace.
A great use of technical & practical applications. You get to understand completely why you do what you do.
Alain DumonceauxCanad Inns
Very good useful information in a relaxed and interactive atmosphere. I am changed…
Carol-Ann Borody-SiemensC.W. Pooles & Company
Good content and relevant. The networking was great-very worthwhile.
Nancy StewartGreat-West Life Assurance Company
Impressive presentation, worthwhile and great!
Teresa A. ComiaManitoba Hydro
When I was an executive with the Great-West Life Assurance Co.; we worked together for several years and I always respected her judgement, competence and professionalism. She always had a solid business plan for us to consider and her customer relations skills made the working relationship both productive and enjoyable. Not surprisingly, she is a sought after professional both inside and outside of her community.
Joan MilesGreat-West Life Assurance Company
Brenda Oliver strongly exemplifies excellence in service to her clients – building customer relationships and practicing the principles of excellence. her presentation style and executive team program coaching & delivery are informative, educational and engaging.
Kathy RandallMaxim Truck & Trailer
Excellent time to take a step back and review what is and isn’t working in relationships and situations – what part is EI contributing? How can I improve?
Stan DueckPalliser Furniture
The Power Seminar is a great outlook and segue for Brenda’s 2 Day workshop. She laid solid groundwork for understanding EI and where awareness can open many new doors in my EI work and life.
Janice BeanGreat-West Life Assurance Company
What a refreshing way to start the day – the idea that if we wrestle with and master our Emotional Intelligence making us more effective leaders is truly inspiring. Why? Because it is possible.
Alanna KeefeSt. John's Ravenscourt School
The information and knowledge gained from this seminar should have been taught to me as a young graduate! That would have saved me from making all of those wrong decisions.
Segun OludeIndigo Ink Studios